The Haappy Aardvark's Gaming

'Allo there, and welcome to my gaming page. I'll be talking mostly about the OHRRPGCE (Official Hamster Republic Role Playing Game Creation Engine) on this page. When I actually get a game going you can expect to see a lot about it on this page. Right now I've started making a RPG called "Amethyst" (formerly Painted Horizon) although as I am constantly changing the storyline, the title will probably be changed. So far I've got the world map, the hero stats, and some hero walkabouts done. Once it's playable, you'll be able to download it from here. Right now there are just some screenshots, the game isn't quite playable yet. So for now you can just sit here watching the amazing screenshots for hours, endless, endless hours!

The innovative class selection screen! 4 choices? How can you lose?
Check out this graavy plotscript that makes the roof disappear!
See that uhh.. thing? Kill it! Yeah!


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